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Konfigurasaun iha Modem Internet
Atu Hasae Velosidade Modem Hodi Halais Asesu Internet? Imi neebe uza Modem (GSM ou CDMA) hodi asesu internet, maibe imi senti velosidade konesaun ka loading kleur demais (Slow) keta laran susar, tanba iha Trick hodi resolve problema nee.
Normalmente software dial-up hodi connect ba Internet (hamutuk kedas iha Modem) neebe kombina ona ho konfigurasaun Velosidade Normal maibe ida nee la-optimize (Depende ba kapasidade Modem ida-idak).
Entaun Oinsa Atu Hasae Velosidade Modem Hodi Halais Asesu Internet?, instrusaun maka:
1. Klik Karuk iha Network Icon iha System Try, (Imajen No. 2)
2. Hare Dial-Up Profile Modem nian, Klik Loos no hili Properties (Imajen No. 3) 
3. Klik Karuk iha Configure, (Imajen No. 4) Medem konfigurasaun sei mosu
4. Hili Velosidade Valor ba Highest Rate, (Imajen No. 5) 
5. Marka Cheklist ba Hardware Features hotu-hotu, hafoin Klik OK
6. Setting Velosidade Moden Is Already Done, but? 
7. Atu hahu konekta liu husi (Imajen No. 6), La-bele Connect liu husi dial-up software built modem 
8. Há-tama Username no Password (You have from the ISP), Hafoin Klik dial. Maka ne’e deit obrigadu wain.
Money is not everything, but no money everything is nothing
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Written by Betano Matlele

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