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Wainhira halao profisaun nudar Jornalista investigativu ou nudar Investigador ba kazu espesifiku ka komplexu ruma, sempre utiliza mos internet hanesan meius ida hodi transfere ou publika ka rai ou arkiva dadus ka evidensia segredu neebe relasionadu. Maibe hanesan ita hotu hatene katak kuandu dadus neebe segredu mais ita hatama iha internet ka online nee risku aas liu tanba perigu tebes kuandu iha ema ruma maka bele loke hetan ka naok.

Tuir mai iha maneira exelente balu ka esperienxia balu neebe ema jornalista balu iha mundu rai-klaran, utiliza hodi publika ka deskobre kazu bo-bot sira iha Mundu rai klaran. Hanesan Michael Dagan hakerek iha ni-nia artigu balu iha lian ingles konaba “A guide for the savvy journalist in a world of ever decreasing privacy” klik link rua iha imajen nee nia okos hodi lee ni-nia detallu ou download ni-nia arkivu kompletu.


Communicating with your source and safeguarding the sensitive data
Let’s begin by listing what you can do when it comes to communicating with a source, and storing sensitive information obtained thereof:
1. Beware of big names
2. Always encrypt everything
3. Perform full disk encryption
4. Avoid chatting with sources on the phone
5. Choose secure messengers
6. Do not use organizational chats
7. In extreme cases, consider using a Blackphone
8. Protecting Data on your computer
9. Two-factor authentication is also a very good idea
10. Assign a computer for inspecting suspicious files/attachments
11. How to buy your own secured computer
12. Educating your Sources
13. Use a designated secure system for receiving documents
14. Don’t keep notes
15. Visual tracking
16. Evading social media
17. Make friends among hackers
18. Payment method
19. Scribble wisely.

How to become anonymous online
Beyond securing the communications with your source, and protecting possible breaches of the sensitive data you get hold of, you should also avoid being tracked while browsing. Online habits can disclose or provide hints as to the story you’re working on, or worse, hint or disclose the identity of your source. Here are the golden rules for surfing the net safely and then, at the next chapter, for securing your email account:
1. Private browsing mode
2. Use alternative browsers
3. TOR
4. Alternative search engines
5. Direct treatment of “short-term” computer memory
6. Try to avoid HTML Web Storage
7. Use a VPN
8. Repair DNS leaks
9. Virtual Machines
10. Proxy server
11. Three more types of extensions that can increase your level of security.

Securing your email
How should you protect your e-mail? The problem with maintaining the confidentiality of emails is even tougher: Google and Microsoft will most likely just give out your emails to government agencies if and when required to do so. What should you do?
1. Safe extensions
2. Secure email providers
3. Disposable Email Addresses (DEA’s)
4. Encrypting your mail
5. Back to basics.

List of Sources for This Book
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Different Themes
Written by Betano Matlele

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